
I wanted to apologize to anyone who may be missing my posts on this blog. I stopped writing them awhile ago because I got bored of writing about the same thing all the time. As much as I love movies, I wanted to discuss other things as well. Recently I made a new blog, and I invite you to follow it if you’re still interested in what I have to say.

Thank you for all your support on this blog, and I hope you will continue reading what I have to say on my new blog.

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Movie 43

Hello everyone! Welcome and/or welcome back to EverythingMovies Reviews!

The movie I’m going to be discussing today was a huge disappointment to me. The trailer looked hilarious, but the way the movie was put together was very upsetting.

This movie is about Dennis Quaid trying to pitch a movie idea to Greg Kinnear who is supposed to be a big guy at a studio. After each segment it goes back to them and Greg’s reaction to what Dennis has just pitched. Each segment is maybe 10-15 minutes in length, and always left me wanting to know more. They weren’t hilarious, but they got a chuckle out of me every now and then.

Honestly I was really hoping that it was going to be a movie about a bunch of different story lines that all interchange, but I was sadly let down, as they never were continued, and they never met up at all at the end. I guess if anything I was hoping for it to kind have a The Ten feel to it.

The funniest thing to me about this movie is the trailer. It was edited and put together really well to make it seem hilarious. But when you get to the movie, the scenes don’t even play out the same in the trailer and are dragged on while trying to be funny.

Maybe it just didn’t match my humour, but overall I thought the movie was pretty bland and not put together well at all.

I know this review was short but there isn’t much else to say other than I was disappointed with Movie 43. Thanks for stopping by and reading my review! Have you seen Movie 43? What were your thoughts on it?

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Hello there, and welcome to my movie review blog.

Today I’m going to be talking about Warm Bodies. I had the pleasure of attending an advanced screening on Thursday, and I wanted to share with you my thoughts on the movie! Take a look at the trailer if you haven’t already seen it!

Firstly, I’d like to say one thing; if Dave Franco is why you want to see this movie, you will be disappointed… but I’ll get to that. Also, if you don’t want to read any spoilers about the entire movie, skip to the second last paragraph 🙂

So, to start off, the movie takes place during a Zombie apocalypse. The main Zombie character, R (Nicholas Hoult), kind of wanders around the airport that he lives in, and often wonders about how life was before the Zombie outbreak.

The Zombies travel in packs when they get hungry; because every one is trying to kill them. One day, R and his buddies find Julie (Teresa Palmer), Nora (Analeigh Tipton), Perry (Dave Franco) and their crew that they have gone into the Zombie world with to look for resources.

Julie is the daughter of the main man in charge since the Zombie outbreak, and she is dating Perry. Perry didn’t start to fight against the Zombies until him and Julie found his dad as a Zombie when they went looking for him one day. After that, Perry dedicated his life to stop the Zombies.

Now, when R and his buddies find Julie and her crew, they go to attack because they are hungry. The man R is attacking when Julie shoots at him in the trailer is Perry, which means that R kills and eats the brain of Perry. This is why I say if you want to see the movie for Dave Franco, you will be disappointed  as this happens fairly early into the movie. You do see glimpses of Perry as R eats his brains and gets his memories, but that’s about it. The line you see Perry say in the trailer “You started something here, whatever you two had, it’s infecting the others” is not said in the movie at all.

So after R finds Julie, he decides to take her back to the airport where he lives. R tells Julie that she will need to be there for at least a couple days simply because he wants to spend time with her and doesn’t want her to leave. So they spend some time together, and they have a good time. However one day Julie decides she’s just going to try and leave on her own, and she gets the attention of all the Zombies & the Boney’s.

R helps Julie escape the Zombies & the Boney’s, with the help of his best friend, M. After this, the Boney’s are mad and want Julie and R both dead. Julie and R travel together and find a house in one of the last areas that were evacuated so that they can rest and Julie can eat. While there, R begins to feel even more, so much so that he has a dream. Zombies can’t dream, so he knows after this happens that something weird is happening to him. However, he wakes up the next morning to find out that Julie left him (because he had told her that night that he was the one who killed Perry). He begins to walk back to the airport, and finds M and some other Zombies on his way there.

M tells R that when he held hands with Julie before they left, that all the Zombies started to feel again. This scene is funny for one reason; when M finds out Julie left R, he says “bitches”. So M and R go out to find Julie. Since R has the memories of Perry, he knows the secret way to get past the giant wall that’s keeping the Zombies out. He finds where Julie lives, and Julie and Nora clean him up and put make-up on him to make him look more ‘human’.

Julie tries to talk to her dad about how the Zombies are changing, but he doesn’t believe her. So Julie and R run away back to where he left his Zombie friends. The Boney’s at this point are closing in on R and Julie, and soon begins a war of the Zombies vs the Boney’s. At one point, the only way for Julie and R to get away from the Boney’s is for them to jump. R takes Julie and he falls first to protect her (they fall into a water fountain). R hits his head, and really should have died, even if he was a Zombie or Human at this point. But he doesn’t, and Julie brings him up, and they begin to kiss. Julie’s dad finds them and shoots R and he begins to bleed; meaning he has now become Human again.

After this discovery, Julie’s dad and men decide to kill all the Boney’s and give the regular Zombies a chance. They tear down the wall and begin to live in harmony together, since the cure to being a Zombie is giving them a chance to prove themselves  M ends up being called Markus (or Marcus, however you want to spell it), and R decides to stay called R.

Overall this movie was put together well; it wasn’t corny, it wasn’t cheesy, and it was pretty funny at some scenes. If you like the hardcore Zombie movies, you may not enjoy this one. But if you’re into a different take on the Zombie genre, I would definitely recommend seeing it. I personally loved the movie, and I’m really excited that Nicholas Hoult is doing more movies now.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my movie review on Warm Bodies! Let me know what you think of the movie when you see it! Are you looking forward to it hitting theatres February 1st?

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Gangster Squad *WARNING: SPOILERS*

Hello! Welcome back, or if it’s your first time visiting, welcome to my movie review blog!

Last weekend I saw Gangster Squad but I haven’t had the chance to talk about it until now. First off let me say; I liked the movie. It was funny, full of action, and just enjoyable to watch. However, when it came to character depth, let’s just say, there wasn’t any.

For those of you who don’t know what Gangster Squad is about, let me try and break it down for you. There is this one mob king named Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) who basically just wants to own L.A. Then we have Sargent John O’Mara (Josh Brolin) who is a cop who wants to take down Mickey and essentially gets the go ahead from his boss, the Chief of Police. O’Mara puts a “squad” together with the help of his wife, and picks: Sargent Jerry Wooters (Ryan Gosling), who originally declines, Officer Conway Keeler (Giovanni Ribisi), Officer Coleman Harris (Anthony Mackie), Officer Max Kennard (Robert Patrick),  and Officer Navidad Ramirez (Michael Peña).

The movie takes place post World War 2, but O’Mara is still always fighting as if he hasn’t won. He feels this way because he is losing his city to Mickey Cohen. When deciding who to have in his squad, his wife picks who she feels is smart and good that can’t be bought with money; true officers who want to protect their city. Kennard is one of the fastest shooters with the best accuracy; his whole motto is “shoot where your target will be, not where it is”. Kennard is training Ramirez to be like him, so he kind of only gets added to the squad for that reason. Keeler is one of the smartest men that was on the US Military in the war; his only issue was he didn’t understand the reason for warrants. He was the brains behind a lot of Squads operations. Wooters, or Ryan Goslings character, is just a plain lady’s man who has a little bit of a temper.

The movie is essentially Gangsters and Cops trying to beat each other at their own game; literally. The cops plant a wire in Mickey Cohens house to hear when he will be doing drug pick ups so they can ruin his plans. When Mickey learns of this, he uses it to his advantage to plan a set up to take out the cops. At the beginning of the Squads operation, they decide to try and rob one of Mickey’s casino’s, however when they get in there they realize there are cops and start to run. One of my favourite lines from that scene goes something like “this was not a good idea” as they are all running out and away from the cops.

At the end of the movie it becomes a showdown of O’Mara vs Cohen, and probably the best line of that entire scene, is Sean Penn coming out with a gun saying “Here comes Santy Claus”. What makes that scene even better, is that Sean Penn’s character is jewish.

However, in a war of Gangsters vs Cops, you’re going to have a causality somewhere a long the lines. If it wasn’t for the fact that my favourite actor in the entire movie died (Ribisi), I probably wouldn’t have cared for his death. As I said, there is no real character development throughout the entire movie. You get maybe a sentence or two on the background of these characters, but it’s not enough to have any connection to them at all.

Overall, if you want to see a movie about a war between Gangsters and Cops and are interested in seeing Emma Stone dressed like Jessica Rabbit, I would recommend seeing this movie when you get the chance. If you are interested in the character development and aren’t as interested in the action, I would advise you to not see this movie in theatres.

Thanks for reading my movie review on Gangster Squad, I hope you enjoyed it! Leave a comment on your opinion of the movie if you’ve seen it!

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Warm Bodies

Hello everyone! It’s back to school time for us college kids, so I may get super swamped and unable to post, however I will try my hardest!

This post is about the upcoming Zombies movie called Warm Bodies. Warm Bodies approaches the Zombie genre with a different point of view. In this movie, there are two types of Zombies; ones who seem to care about killing people, and ones who don’t and don’t even resemble a human. R, played by Nicholas Hoult, is a Zombie who feels remorseful when eating anything with a heart. R has a best friend, named M (played by Rob Corddry – Hot Tub Time Machine).

To understand part of this movie you have to know that when a Zombie eats a person or object, they relive the memories of said person or object. So when R eats the body of a nice watch, he relives the memories that person had with Julie (Teresa Palmer). R then begins to fall in love with Julie, and the movie follows their journey of love and conquest over the Zombie apocalypse.

Take a look at the trailer below if you haven’t already seen it!

Overall I’m pretty excited for this movie. I think the original take on the Zombie genre is really interesting. This movie has the same humour feel of Zombieland; which was an excellently done movie. I’ll definitely be seeing this movie once it hits theatres February 1st. Will you be seeing this movie? What do you think of the concept?

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This Is 40

Hello all! Welcome, or welcome back!

I know it’s been awhile since I reviewed anything – trust me, I’ve been wanting to! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Okay, now for why you’re here; my movie review on This Is 40.

I saw this movie without ever fully watching the full version of Knocked Up; whatever version I ever had always had issues that wouldn’t allow me to watch it all the way through. However, from my understanding of everything, the movie is the “sort of sequel” to Knocked Up. How you ask? Well This Is 40 follows Pete & Debbie (from Knocked Up) as they have their 40th birthday. It follows their lives as parents, workers, and a couple.

Now I just want to say, that in my honest opinion, I really liked the movie. I thought it was hilarious; however, the time is a little too long. Maybe the creators of the movie knew that it would be coming out at the same time as other 2.5+ hour movies were out so they decided to do the same. I don’t know what the reason is for this movie being over 2 hours in length, but it is definitely not necessary.

So, the movie follows the lives of Pete & Debbie, and their ups and downs of marriage and life. They have some revelations with their parents, their work, and overall how they live their life. They have issues with their children, issues with each other, issues with their parents, that of course, in the 2.5+ hour length of the movie, at some point get resolved.

Note: if you do not like Apple, do not watch this movie. The amount of Apple product placement in this movie is insane. Being an Advertising & Marketing student, this really irritated me. Product placement is good because we are surrounded by brands all the time, and to see brands we’ve never heard of in movies and television shows is weird to us. However, Apple really over did it in this movie; and if Apple didn’t pay for all the products of theirs that were named, then the writers, director, producer, or actors must just really love Apple products.

Overall, you will laugh a lot during this movie. Unfortunately Ben & Alison (Seth Rogen & Katherine Heigl) aren’t in this movie at all, which may have been nice to see at some point during the unnecessary length of this movie. Melissa McCarthy (Gilmore Girls, Bridesmaids, and the upcoming Identity Thief) is amazing in this movie, and she really needs to be recognized for her ability to spit ball the most absurd things.

If I were you, I would definitely see this movie if you haven’t already. If you’re still not sure, and you’re guy; Megan Fox is in it.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my review on This Is 40. Have you seen the movie? Let me know what you thought of it!

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Killing Them Softly

Hello all! Welcome back, and welcome new readers! It’s been awhile since I have posted anything, and I apologize sincerely. I have been terribly busy with school and work and have not had the time to see many movies or catch up on my trailers!

The movie I’m going to be talking about in this review is called “Killing Them Softly”. This movie stars Brad Pitt, Richard Jenkins, and James Gandolfini. The movie follows 2 guys who rob a group of mobsters and then moves on to follow Brad Pitt’s character as he has to deal with what has happened. To give you a better understanding before I go on to discuss the movie and my opinions on it, here is the trailer:

The trailer for this movie is really well done, and I was expecting the movie to be a lot better than it actually was. This movie was very slow and kind of awkward to watch at times. When the 2 guys are robbing the mobsters in the trailer, things go normal. In the movie, the one guy is simply staring at Ray Liotta for a good 2 minutes with barely anything being said and no noise in the background. Later on in the film there is a scene where one of the 2 robbers is doing heroin. You’d think that could be a well put together scene, but it’s rather awkwardly hilarious to watch. The scene randomly goes to a yellow image, and then goes to a zoomed in image of the guys face, and then back to the yellow image. It was so awkward to watch that I couldn’t help but laugh and question what on earth was I watching.

This is just my opinion on the movie, but if the movie had the same feel as the trailer, I think it would have been a lot better and be doing a lot better at the box office. There are just too many scenes where it’s very awkwardly silent. Maybe if I watch the movie a couple more times I will begin to like it more and more; it may just be one of those movies. But currently, I’m not about to take that chance. It may be a type of movie people like, but currently it doesn’t sit well with me. If you want my personal opinion; wait for it to be watchable online and then decide if you want to pay to see it or not.

Thanks for reading my review on Killing Them Softly! If you’ve seen the movie, let me know what your thoughts were! Remember, these are just my personal opinions, and every person has a different view on things! 🙂

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Fun Size

Hello! Welcome back! Or, if you’re a new visitor, welcome to my blog and thanks for visiting!

This post is about the movie Fun Size. It follows the night of 2 girls who are trying to attending a Halloween party (they make it seem like it’s the best Halloween party ever). While trying to get to this party, they encounter some speed bumps along the way. The easiest way I can describe this movie is: Super Bad, but from a girls point of view. In my opinion, it appears Hollywood has decided to bank on the success of Super Bad and come up with a new version for girls.

Check out the trailer below:

The trailer looks like the movie as potential, but knowing Hollywood, it will probably be disappointing.

It’s also very strange to see Thomas from Project X in this kind of role.

Thanks again for stopping by! Sorry my trailer reviews are shorter than my actual movie reviews. Feel free to leave a comment on what you liked or didn’t like! Also let me know what your thoughts on this trailer are – will you be seeing the movie when it hits theatres late October?

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Dredd 3D

Hello Everyone! I saw Dredd 3D a couple weekends ago at the Toronto International Film Festival, but haven’t gotten a chance to write my review about it until now! Sorry!

So, I don’t know much about the character Judge Dredd, and I never saw the original movie, but I LOVED this one! There was so much action, and it was put together so well. The character Judge Dredd is completely bad-ass and bad to the bone. The music was put together very nicely, the filming was done amazingly, and really, I just loved this movie. I’m definitely going to see it in theatres again now that’s it’s officially out.

So, what is this Dredd movie about? Well, Dredd is given a rookie to take on a final test. She’s failed before, but is being given one more shot because she is a psychic and someone higher up than Dredd believes she could be a valuable asset. Of course, Dredd doesn’t feel the same way, he’s all about rules, and feels that if someone fails, they fail, that’s it – but he takes her on. He lets her choose where they go that day, and they end up in an area called Peach Tree’s. Peach Tree’s used to be split up between gang types, until Ma-Ma came in and took over the entire building.

Dredd and the rookie are reporting to 3 homicides – but when they get there, it becomes so much more. As they’re going down the elevator to take someone in for questioning, Ma-Ma has her people get complete control of Peach Tree’s and sets the building into War Mode (or at least I think that’s what it was called). Ma-Ma sets her entire clan/gang out to kill the two Judge’s, all because she knows the person they are bringing in will talk. So the movie at that point becomes about Dredd and the rookie staying alive and stopping Ma-Ma while uncovering the truth of how and why the 3 people were murdered.

I really do feel the movie was put together very well. I really had no idea what I was going to see when I saw it at TIFF, I just knew the trailer looked awesome. I can’t say if you’re a Dredd fan definitely see the movie, because I don’t know what kind of expectations you’d have. However, if you’re like me and had no idea what Dredd was and want to see a really awesome movie, I’d definitely recommend seeing Dredd!

Here’s the trailer for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet:

Thanks for stopping by and reading my movie review! If you have any comments, suggestions, concerns, or just wanna say hi, feel free to leave a comment!

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Spring Breakers *WARNING: SPOILERS*

Spring BreakersI just came home from watching Spring Breakers at Hot Docs Cinema (Bloor Cinema) at TIFF 2012. The first words that comes to mind after watching this movie… “what the f*ck did I just watch?”

The camera work is shaky (if that is what they were going for, I really don’t think it works for this film, especially in some scenes), the editing feels sloppy because scenes go back and forth, and voice-overs feel like they are said more than once, and the story just feels very slow and boring.

When you hear that the movie is supposed to be about Spring Break going horribly wrong, you think a lot worse is going to happen.

James Franco as “Alien” is probably the best thing about the film. His character is so bad that everything he says is funny, and then James Franco just gives it that little bit extra to make it more hilarious. If you are planning on going to see this movie for Selena Gomez, I advise you see something else. She plays a girl who goes to Church College and leaves maybe 30-40 minutes into the movie never to be seen again.

So what is this movie really about? Four college girls, who have been friends since Kindergarden, want to get out of their boring, basic town for Spring Break. Two of the girls decide to rob a store, and get a third girl to help them get a car to be the driver. They rob the place using fake guns, pull-over masks and a lot of yelling. They burn the car, go tell the other girl about it, and shortly after can be seen heading to Florida for Spring Break.

Every thing was going on how a normal Spring Break does, until they randomly get arrested, and bailed out by “Alien”. They start to hang out with him after he bails them out, and Selena’s character, Faith, gets scared and goes home. The other 3 girls continue to hang out with Alien and begin robbing other various places. While doing this, Alien apparently was on another ‘gangsters’ ‘turf’, and one of the girls get shots in the arm. She gets scared, and goes home to never be seen again.

Finally, the last 2 girls, Ashley Benson & Vanessa Hudgens characters, Brit & Candy, are still with Alien, and decide to go to the guys house and rob and/or kill them. James Franco’s character gets killed before they even get inside the house, and the girls continue along killing everyone and stealing the guys car. The final scene is the girls driving away in an orange Lambo.

The script is strange, the characters are strange, the editing feels strange, and every now and then you have Skrillex blaring at you (especially at the beginning of the movie). Overall I’d give this movie a 4/10. The best part of the entire movie was when the 3 girls were dancing with guns while Alien and them were singing a Britney Spears song.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my review on Spring Breakers! I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave a comment to let me know what you liked or didn’t like about it!

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