Hello there, and welcome to my movie review blog.

Today I’m going to be talking about Warm Bodies. I had the pleasure of attending an advanced screening on Thursday, and I wanted to share with you my thoughts on the movie! Take a look at the trailer if you haven’t already seen it!

Firstly, I’d like to say one thing; if Dave Franco is why you want to see this movie, you will be disappointed… but I’ll get to that. Also, if you don’t want to read any spoilers about the entire movie, skip to the second last paragraph 🙂

So, to start off, the movie takes place during a Zombie apocalypse. The main Zombie character, R (Nicholas Hoult), kind of wanders around the airport that he lives in, and often wonders about how life was before the Zombie outbreak.

The Zombies travel in packs when they get hungry; because every one is trying to kill them. One day, R and his buddies find Julie (Teresa Palmer), Nora (Analeigh Tipton), Perry (Dave Franco) and their crew that they have gone into the Zombie world with to look for resources.

Julie is the daughter of the main man in charge since the Zombie outbreak, and she is dating Perry. Perry didn’t start to fight against the Zombies until him and Julie found his dad as a Zombie when they went looking for him one day. After that, Perry dedicated his life to stop the Zombies.

Now, when R and his buddies find Julie and her crew, they go to attack because they are hungry. The man R is attacking when Julie shoots at him in the trailer is Perry, which means that R kills and eats the brain of Perry. This is why I say if you want to see the movie for Dave Franco, you will be disappointed  as this happens fairly early into the movie. You do see glimpses of Perry as R eats his brains and gets his memories, but that’s about it. The line you see Perry say in the trailer “You started something here, whatever you two had, it’s infecting the others” is not said in the movie at all.

So after R finds Julie, he decides to take her back to the airport where he lives. R tells Julie that she will need to be there for at least a couple days simply because he wants to spend time with her and doesn’t want her to leave. So they spend some time together, and they have a good time. However one day Julie decides she’s just going to try and leave on her own, and she gets the attention of all the Zombies & the Boney’s.

R helps Julie escape the Zombies & the Boney’s, with the help of his best friend, M. After this, the Boney’s are mad and want Julie and R both dead. Julie and R travel together and find a house in one of the last areas that were evacuated so that they can rest and Julie can eat. While there, R begins to feel even more, so much so that he has a dream. Zombies can’t dream, so he knows after this happens that something weird is happening to him. However, he wakes up the next morning to find out that Julie left him (because he had told her that night that he was the one who killed Perry). He begins to walk back to the airport, and finds M and some other Zombies on his way there.

M tells R that when he held hands with Julie before they left, that all the Zombies started to feel again. This scene is funny for one reason; when M finds out Julie left R, he says “bitches”. So M and R go out to find Julie. Since R has the memories of Perry, he knows the secret way to get past the giant wall that’s keeping the Zombies out. He finds where Julie lives, and Julie and Nora clean him up and put make-up on him to make him look more ‘human’.

Julie tries to talk to her dad about how the Zombies are changing, but he doesn’t believe her. So Julie and R run away back to where he left his Zombie friends. The Boney’s at this point are closing in on R and Julie, and soon begins a war of the Zombies vs the Boney’s. At one point, the only way for Julie and R to get away from the Boney’s is for them to jump. R takes Julie and he falls first to protect her (they fall into a water fountain). R hits his head, and really should have died, even if he was a Zombie or Human at this point. But he doesn’t, and Julie brings him up, and they begin to kiss. Julie’s dad finds them and shoots R and he begins to bleed; meaning he has now become Human again.

After this discovery, Julie’s dad and men decide to kill all the Boney’s and give the regular Zombies a chance. They tear down the wall and begin to live in harmony together, since the cure to being a Zombie is giving them a chance to prove themselves  M ends up being called Markus (or Marcus, however you want to spell it), and R decides to stay called R.

Overall this movie was put together well; it wasn’t corny, it wasn’t cheesy, and it was pretty funny at some scenes. If you like the hardcore Zombie movies, you may not enjoy this one. But if you’re into a different take on the Zombie genre, I would definitely recommend seeing it. I personally loved the movie, and I’m really excited that Nicholas Hoult is doing more movies now.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my movie review on Warm Bodies! Let me know what you think of the movie when you see it! Are you looking forward to it hitting theatres February 1st?

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1 Response to Warm Bodies *WARNING: SPOILERS*

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